Mayajigua Church Plantation

As a church we understand the need to plant new missionary works, even in places of difficult access, for the extension of the kingdom of God.

The Mayajigua Baptist Church was planted by the missionary project “Caminos de Victoria” of the Vueltas Baptist Church in Villa Clara. They have a mission point in the community of Mayajigua, in the settlements of Baños de los Brujos and Nela. They also serve in the Baptist Church of El Rio de Mayajigua and a mission in the communities of Punto de Control and La Picadora. This work planted the Baptist Church of Las LLanadas to strengthen the missionary work in the mountainous area of Yaguajay, south of the municipality, where the Church of LLanadas Arriba was planted with the missionary Orbis Martínez.

This missionary project is a joint effort with the church of Barrio Africa, Mayajigua and now Las LLanadas Arriba. We hope with the Lord’s help to plant in Menenes, a more densely populated town.

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